As a long-standing tradition of the Deconstruction and Reuse Conference, we are putting together some tours of local establishments directly involved in reuse or places where reuse was used within a design or function of a building.
When: 4 pm October 29th following the days conference sessions
Price: $40
Price includes bus transportation to tour locations, drop off directly following tours at the networking location, and transportation back to the Wyndham Hotel in the evening.
Construction Junction
We are thrilled with the work done by those at Construction Junction, known locally as CJ, to help make this conference a success. This stop on our tour will allow you to explore much more than just building material reuse. CJ is a one stop shop for training, materials, collaboration, repairs, and much more. Project Re_ , an initiative spearheaded by Carnegie Mellon University, is one of the programs you will find at CJ.
The facility also houses:
Free Ride - A bicycle collective that promotes access, education, and reuse of bicycles and parts.
Computer Reach - Refurbishes computers and offers professional support and training.
Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse- Non-traditional art supply shop that facilitates hands-on programing to educate the public about the benefits of reuse for the environment, community and self.
Studio Blue - A refurbished furniture painting project for youth in detention.
Millvale Food + Energy Hub
This site is a multi-purpose facility which serves as a home to sustainability nonprofits New Sun Rising, The Food Trust, and Fractracker Alliance. Additionally, it houses a commercial kitchen and processing center, 412 Food Rescue, Sprezzatura Cafe, and community event and education space in harmony with the goals of the Millvale EcoDistrict. This repurposed 10,000 sq ft facility was a former Moose Lodge social hall which now includes a state of the art Solar DC Microgrid and building automation system. Reuse is a central theme in the building's design through the construction of a cafe counter, green partition wall, and canopy highlighting reclaimed materials from Construction Junction, design from the Urban Design Build Studio, and construction with the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh.
Networking at a local Pittsburgh Brewery
Directly after the tours, buses will stop at a local beer hall for a fun evening on the town. Buses will then provide transportation back to the Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center hotel. We always find networking to be one of the most beneficial aspects to our conference - we hope that you will join us! If you haven't registered for the conference yet, you can register and sign up for the tours together here.