Build Reuse Wiki
Introducing the Build Reuse Wiki
The Build Reuse Wiki is a website that displays key information and resources (guidelines, case studies, policy primers, research papers, etc.) produced and shared by the building material reuse community. Access the Wiki
The Build Reuse Forum aims to supplement the Build Reuse Wiki by providing a space for members to directly communicate with other members.
Learn more about Build Reuse Wiki + Forum on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Wiki & Forum News
Updated January 2024
The initial idea of the Wiki was to have any Build Reuse member who wanted editing access to join as an editor of the Wiki. However, over the course of the Wiki pilot in 2023, it became evident that even the most enthusiastic individuals have difficulty making the time to post resources on the Wiki.
Because AllAnswered is a pay-by-user platform, it unfortunately did not make sense to continue adding individuals who are typically not using the platform. At this point in time if you would like to see a specific resource posted on the Wiki, please email info@buildreuse.org.
Sign up for the Build Reuse newsletter to receive further updates.
Wiki Launch Webinar: Recording Available
Build Reuse hosted a free webinar on Wednesday, July 12th, 2023, which included a live demonstration of the tool - how to use it, how it can help you, and how it will better facilitate knowledge-sharing both within and external to our building material reuse community.
Benefits of the Build Reuse Wiki/Forum
Check out existing deconstruction ordinances, reuse policies, and success stories from organizations and jurisdictions around the nation
Use the Wiki to keep track of key reuse resources
Use the public access link to quickly share reuse knowledge with interested others
Use the Forum to ask questions and receive input from the Build Reuse community*
So much more!
Stay Up To Date
Browse case studies, guidelines, policy primers, white papers, and more to stay up to date and support your own work.
Engage With Others
Exclusive to Build Reuse members: Use the Forum ask questions, post answers, and share timely resources with the forum community.
Contribute Resources
Coming soon: Exclusive to Build Reuse members: receive edit access to post resources and build collective knowledge in the industry.