Auckland Runs Cost Benefit Analysis of C&D Waste Diversion

To meet is ambitious zero waste goals, the city of Auckland, New Zealand has set a long-term target in its Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) of reducing total waste to landfill by 30 per cent by 2027. As Auckland’s single largest waste stream, with high tonnages going to landfill and high diversion potential, C&D waste has been identified by the council as a priority waste stream to achieve the WMMP’s target.

In 2019, the city published a report on a high-level Cost Benefit Analysis of two options proposed by Auckland Council’s Waste Solutions Unit for C&D waste diversion from landfill. For each proposed option, expenditure is spread across a series of activities that relate to each of the broad areas of focus identified for C&D waste diversion, namely awareness, infrastructure, brokerage, regulatory controls, training, job and business opportunities.

This report is an good example of the research cities can undertake before enacting regulation around C&D and reuse.

Read the full report here.


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