Guidebook for Municipalities to Create & Implement Deconstruction & Building Material Reuse (BMR) Infrastructure

Massachusetts Publishes Reuse Economy Study

New Report on Material Reuse in Commercial Projects
The architecture firm CallistonRTKL published a report on the opportunities for material reuse within commercial projects, where high turnover of interiors means valuable materials are often going to waste. To strategize around this complex issue, CRTKL hosted a virtual CoLab workshop connecting a diverse group of industry experts.

Boulder’s Circular Economy Report Lays Out New Opportunities for C&D Waste Diversion

San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation Publishes Deconstruction Feasibility Study
The Office of Historic Preservation in San Antonio, TX recently published the results of its deconstruction feasibility study.

Auckland Runs Cost Benefit Analysis of C&D Waste Diversion
To meet is ambitious zero waste goals, the city of Auckland, New Zealand has set a long-term target in its Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) of reducing total waste to landfill by 30 per cent by 2027.

C40 Publishes an Implementation Guide for Deconstruction & Reuse Policy
The C40 – a group of international cities taking bold climate actions – released an Implementation Guide on local government opportunities to reduce embodied carbon and waste. The guide acts as a knowledge hub for policy case studies, best practices, and a wide range of policy tools.