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Operations BRAG - Material Focus: Windows

Build Reuse Affinity Groups (BRAG) are an opportunity for Build Reuse members to get together, ask questions and learn from each other. The Reuse Operations BRAG focuses on managing day-to-day operations, including reuse retail, deconstruction, sourcing/receiving materials and any other aspect of business operations. It is intended for COOs, directors of operations, reuse center, deconstruction, donation/material and other managers.

What do we do with windows? Which types of windows should we accept from donors? Are storm windows or sashes ever worth taking? What are the upcycling or creative reuse opportunities with windows? Can they be recycled? Where does repair fit in? Join your fellow Build Reuse members in exploring the many questions around windows.

BRAGs are limited to 10 attendees per meeting. If a meeting reaches capacity, an additional BRAG may be added for that month. Attendees must be Build Reuse members in good standing. Non-members may attend one meeting per year.

To register, email and indicate which BRAG you would like to attend.

September 16

Build Reuse Webinar: What is the true cost of landfilling building materials?

September 26

Executive Leadership BRAG - Board Recruitment & Engagement