What is the true cost to landfill a cubic yard of building materials? What is that cost when you include material loss, greenhouse gas emission impacts, and general impact to the community?
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff worked with University of Minnesota faculty and undergraduate college students, completing their capstone project, to answer that question. The students gathered data from Becker County Construction and Landfill program, and included results from the county's highly successful diversion and reuse program.
The results will likely surprise you, in ways you didn't even imagine! Join us as we hear from Professor Natalie Hunt and recent college graduate Ana Figueroa Arteaga. This workshop will be moderated by Melissa Wenzel, MPCA's Built Environment Sustainability Administrator, and Josh Hauf, Community Resilience Coordinator at Rethos. Melissa and Josh co-coordinate Build Reuse webinars.
When: September 16, 12-1pm ET (11am-12pm CT)
Join the Zoom meeting