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Marketing, Programming & Fund Development BRAG - Customer Data: Collection & Usage

Build Reuse Affinity Group (BRAGs) are an opportunity for Build Reuse members to get together, ask questions and learn from each other. The Reuse Marketing & Fund Development BRAG focuses on marketing, PR, communications, fundraising and event management. It is intended for development and marketing staff.  

Do you collect emails, phone numbers, zip codes and other customer data? How are your sales or marketing strategies supported by the data you collect? What type of email or SMS marketing do you engage in? This BRAG will be an opportunity to share your approach with customer data and hear what your fellow Build Reuse members have been doing.

BRAGs are limited to 10 attendees per meeting. If a meeting reaches capacity, an additional BRAG may be added for that month. Attendees must be Build Reuse members in good standing. Non-members may attend one meeting per year.

To register, email and indicate which BRAG you would like to attend.

September 26

Executive Leadership BRAG - Board Recruitment & Engagement

October 17

Operations BRAG - Deconstruction: Estimating & Sales