Vancouver, BC’s Green Demo Bylaw Sets Minimum Reuse and Recycling Rates

In 2014, Vancouver, BC passed the innovative Green Demolition Bylaw, setting minimum reuse and recycling rates when demolishing houses built before 1950. Additionally, a deconstruction requirement applies when you demolish a heritage listed house, or a house built before 1910. The bylaw has since been expanded and amended in February 2016 and May 2018.

Demolition permit seekers are required to complete a:

  • Recycling and Reuse Plan when applying for a building or development permit

  • Recycling and Reuse Compliance Form when demolition is complete

  • A wood salvage report for demolition of heritage listed, or pre-1910 houses

The minimum reuse and recycling rates are measured by weight as follows:

  • Houses built before 1950: 75% of materials by weight, excluding hazardous waste

  • Houses built before 1950 and deemed character houses by the City: 90% of materials by weight, excluding hazardous materials

The City wants demolition materials to be dealt with in a responsible manner: reusing as much as possible, recycling as much as possible, and disposing of hazardous materials properly. The bylaw supports the City's Greenest City Action Plan and Zero Waste 2040 Strategy.


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